Thanks for checking in! We are all doing well. Shepard is growing like a weed, weighing in last week at 16 lbs, 10 oz. He is beginning to eat solid foods and LOVES it. So far he's added squash, green beans, peas, peaches, sweet potatoes. and applesauce to his menu. Big boy! Now that he's discovered food, evvverything goes straight to his mouth! He is beginning to sit up unsupported for about 5 seconds, then slowly topples over. (I think he'll get the hang soon.)
Taylor is another recent discovery of Shepard's... he'll occasionally fuss until we take him in the same room as Taylor. Boy- did it take us a while to figure out that one! He is fascinated by her and it's such fun to see his face light up when he sees his buddy.
We enjoyed Aunties Carrie & Katie coming out for a quick visit.. and will post pix soon. Jacob and I are looking forward to heading to wine country next week for a friend's wedding! This momma is a bit anxious about leaving her sweet bb for 4 full days, but knows he's in great hands with his Grams. All in all, the Rowe Family is well and treasuring every day with our little guy. :)